The title of this blog means so many things to mom always told me that she can't take all the credit for the way I am because "it took a village" to mold me and shape me into the person I am today. In these last few years, that saying has become something more than just a saying; it has become an outlook on life for me. It can really take a village to raise children in third world countries. If their mom and dad die, who is there to take care of them other than the the people of the village? If any one person cares for a child at all, they will do whatever they can to make sure that child survives and thrives.
I look at this world like a big village, except for the fact that some people could care less...which breaks my heart. This village we call our world has raised children to become more than themselves. People thousands of miles away from orphaned children have taken the inititive to support and raise them so that they can rise above their circumstances and become more than conquerers of their situation.
I am going to Kenya in Africa this summer for 9 days and the group of us that is going from my town is doing a bible study called Don't Waste Your Life written by John Piper. In the previous chapter I read, he discussed what being "more than a conquerer" really meant. If you have ever been to church you have probably heard that saying before, but has it ever really clicked in your mind? It hadn't for me. My mom really brought this to my attention. Piper writes that when you conquer someone or something that you own it; it is now yours and you can do with it as you please. But when you are more than a conquerer, you don't just own it, you make it your slave. So, those flaming darts that Satan throws at you, when you are more than a conquerer over your fears and over those things that tempt you, you now own, but not only own, you control where those darts go.
These villagers 'raising' these children are helping them become more than conquerers over their situation and the limits that have been put on them. They are becoming more than conquerers in Christ Jesus our Lord. we come :)
Love it! Beautiful post. I am thankful that God allowed me into "your village". :)
ReplyDeleteDiddo to what Marci said. :)